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Laboratory Summary Report: 2017

Winter Quarter

  1. Work continues on a paper that describes our transgenic Alzheimer’s fly model and the human pilot study we conducted as a result of studies using that model.
  2. Some preliminary data analysis of the MX100a patient registry, which has grown to over 150 individuals, shows that the human pilot results are in fact being replicated, and patients’ cognitive and functional test scores are stable, or improving.
  3. NOTE: The registry data is not a controlled trial, and can only be looked at in terms of trends.

Spring, Summer Quarters

  1. Wrapping up our paper describing our transgenic Alzheimer’s fly model and the resulting human pilot study.

Fall Quarter

  1. After Thanksgiving, we decided to divide the paper into two separate papers: a paper describing our transgenic Alzheimer’s fly model, and a paper describing the human pilot testing our formulation.
  2. The transgenic fly paper is submitted to the Journal of Biology and Medical Research in December.

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